

LIP6 Beamer theme

A simple LaTeX/Beamer theme for the LIP6 laboratory. The archive includes sample tex and pdf files, a small installer and a tool to build a binary debian package. This 0.99 version is a semi-final version (the project logo should be an option). This template is an improvement on the previous CUCL template.

tar.gz archive file beamer-theme-lip6-v0.99.tar.gz
debian package file beamer-theme-lip6_0.99_all.deb

CUCL Beamer theme

A simple Beamer theme for the Computer Laboratory / University of Cambridge. The archive includes sample tex and pdf files.

tar.gz archive file beamer-theme-cucl-v1.0.tar.gz

FTRD Beamer theme

A simple Beamer theme for the Research and Development Laboratory at France Telecom (now Orange Labs). The archive includes sample tex and pdf files.

tar.gz archive file beamer-theme-ftrd-3_0.1.tar.gz

Poisson traffic generator for ns-2.29

The Poisson Traffic Generator from Kostas Pentikousis adapted for ns-2.29.


TCP pacing implementation for ns-2.34

TCP pacing implementation for NS-2 adapted for ns-2.34.



I will put here some ideas and parts of code I've written. They are not mature enough to be considered as projects, and usually would require much more time...

  • scanner: tiny scanning tool written in QT/Ruby
  • picasa_rss_download: simple script to download a picasa web album given its RSS feed
  • taggle: an automatic audio files tagger written in Ruby
  • WebOO: a conceptual website written in Ruby (+Rails) / MySQL
  • etebac: a small tool to create ETEBAC documents written in QTRuby
  • LaTeX Makefile
  • nget28: downloader daemon integrating an intelligent newsgroups binary grabber
  • TeX sudoku: a TeX attempt to format (and aimed at solving) a Sudoku grid
  • vimpedia: a ViM plugin to edit MediaWiki directly
